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PPSC Canal Patwari Past Papers Irrigation Department

What is Canal Patwari?

A Canal Patwari is responsible for maintaining records related to irrigation. This post is more important in regions where canal irrigation systems are prominent, such as in parts of Pakistan and India. Their duties often include overseeing the distribution of water for agricultural purposes, ensuring that water is allocated fairly, and maintaining records of landholdings and water usage. You will get PPSC Canal Patwari past papers with answers in this article.

Post NameCanal Patwari
Basic Pay ScaleBS-11
Nature of JobField

Canal Patwari Written Test Pattern

Paper Questions TypeMCQs
Number of Questions100
Paper duration90 Minutes

Canal Patwari Written Test Syllabus

One paper MCQ type Written exam of 100 Marks with 90 Minutes Duration will be held to filter the candidates.
Syllabus for the written is as follows:
A). Questions comprising basic Computer Studies, Microsoft Excel & Microsoft Word 50%
B). General Ability including General Knowledge , Pakistan Studies, Current Affairs,
Islamic Studies (GK for Non-Muslim candidates), Geography, Basic Math, English, Urdu and Everyday Science 50%

Is Typing Test Mandatory?

Yes, all written test passed candidates will be called for typing test on computer. Passing the typing test is compulsory for the final selection.

Canal Patwari Salary

Canal patwari expected salary is from 40000 to 60000 PKR.

Canal Patwari Past Papers solved MCQs PDF

  • Mangla dam is located in which district of Pakistan?
  • To whom Allah taught the names of all things?
  • What is the PH of Milk?
  • Which country is the largest producer of gas?
  • Where is headquarter of ICC is located?
  • When RCD was established?
  • Which is the largest country by area in continent Africa?
  • South Korea cut off its diplomatic relations with which country in 2020?
  • Who said, “Democracy is govt of the people for the people by the people”?
  • Who wrote “Khushboo”? Parveen Shakir
  • What is the meaning of idiom “Once in a blue moon”? Rarely
  • Recently which country has stopped aiding wildlife? US stopped 12$ Million funds for WWF
  • Why CTRL + E shortcut key used in Microsoft Word document? Center align text
  • When USA invaded Iraq?
  • What is the meaning of “Turn down”? Reject
  • Idiomatic term “Bag & Baggage”? with all belongings
  • Why United States put economic sanctions on Iran? Nuclear
  • What is the capital of Australia? Cannbera
  • What is the shortcut key to bold a text in MS Word? CTRL + B
  • Where file name is shown in MS Excel? Title Bar

PPSC Canal Patwari Merit

Canal Patwari Book PDF

Many books for canal patwari are available in the market. You may consult any publisher book but make your own notes on regular basis.

Canal Patwari Past Paper 2021

Canal Patwari Past Paper 2023

Canal Patwari Sample Paper

Job Description of Canal Patwari

A Canal Patwari in irrigation Department is responsible for managing the canal water to agricultural lands. They ensure that water is distributed fairly and according to established schedules. Patwaris also maintain accurate records of landholdings and track water usage for each plot. Their role is very important to stop water theft.

Regular and vigilant inspections of canals and watercourses are conducted to check for issues such as breaches or blockages. They also handle disputes between farmers over water distribution and act as a liaison between landowners and the irrigation department.

Additionally, Canal Patwaris submit reports on water distribution and the condition of irrigation infrastructure to their superiors. They ensure compliance with provincial laws, identifying and reporting unauthorized water usage or damages to the irrigation system.


These past papers gives an idea to aspirants about the canal patwari jobs test. The candidates prepare the exam material according to the pattern adopted in old papers.

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