Islamiyat Frequently Asked Questions MCQS PPSC
Islamic studies questions carry almost 10 to 25 marks in all PPSC papers. Candidates must properly prepare this portion to get high marks in test. We have compiled a list of most important Islamic studies questions. You must read these frequently asked questions. These MCQs are important for PMS exam, lecturer Islamiat and Subject specialist papers.
Islamic studies Questions Solved
- Where was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) born? Mecca in 570 CE.
- What was the name of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) mother? His mother was Aminah bint Wahb.
- Who was Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) father? His father was Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib.
- What tribe did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belong to? He belonged to the Quraysh tribe.
- What is the name of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) first wife? His first wife was Khadijah bint Khuwaylid.
- How old was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when he received his first revelation? He was 40 years old.
- In which cave did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) receive his first revelation? He received 1st revelation in the Cave of Hira.
- Who brought the first revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? The angel Jibreel (Gabriel) brought the first revelation.
- What was the first word revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? The first word revealed was “Iqra” (Read).
- What is the journey Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) made from Mecca to Medina called? It is called the Hijra.
- In what year did the Hijra take place? The Hijra took place in 622 CE.
- What is the night journey Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took to Jerusalem and then to the heavens called? It is called Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj.
- Who was Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) closest companion and first caliph? Abu Bakr As-Siddiq.
- How many children did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have? He had seven children: three sons and four daughters.
- What was the name of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) youngest daughter? His youngest daughter was Fatimah.
- What is the name of the treaty signed between Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Quraysh tribe? It is called the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah.
- What is the name of the last sermon delivered by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? It is called the Farewell Sermon.
- In which year did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) pass away? 632 CE.
- Where is Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) buried? He is buried in the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina.
- What was the first mosque built by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? The first mosque built was Masjid Quba in Medina.
- What is the year of prophethood? 610AD
- Which is the year of migration? 622AD
- Which is the year of conquest of Makkah(Fatah-e-Makkah)? 629AD- 8Hijri
- Who certified the prophethood first? Warqa Bin Nofal
- How many mosques are mentioned in Quran? Four
- Where Hazrat Adam landed on Earth? Adam Peak, SriLanka on Friday
- Who is known as “Abu-Albashar”? Hazrat Adam
- Hazrat Nooh used which bird to locate the land during Flood? Pigeon
- Who is known as “Abu-Albashar II”? Hazrat Nooh
- Who was the first wife of Hazrat Ibrahim? Hazrat Sarah
- Who was the second wife of Hazrat Ibrahim? Hazrat Hajra
- Who was the mother of Hazrat Ismaeel? Hazrat Hajra, 2nd Wife of Hazrat Ibrahim
- Ghazwa Uhad was fought in 3 Hijri. How many Muslims were martyred in it? 70
- What is another name of Ghazwa Khandaq? Ghazwa Ahzab
- How many Muslims participated in war of uhad? 1000 Muslims & 3000 Kufaar
- When Namaz-e-Taravih started on regular basis? In reign of Hazrat Umar
- Order of Bajamaat namaz was given in which Surah? Surah Albaqarah
- How many Muslims were martyred in Ghazwa Badar? 14 Muslims & 70 Kufaar killed
- Which is the first Ghazwa? Ghazwa-e-Abwa (Ghazwa Widaan)
- There are four obligations of Wazu mentioned in Surah Al-Maida
- What is the meaning of Al-Maida? Dastarkhaan
- Who introduced the police system? Hazrat Umar
- Jahaad made obligatory in 2 Hijri.
- Fasting made obligatory in 2 Hijri.
- The prophet Muhammad prayed first time behind Hazrat Jibrael.
- How many prophets are mentioned in Quran? 26
- How many Surah of Quran on name of prophets? 6
- Where mount Hira is located? Makkah
- In start Holy prophet worked as shepherd for which tribe? Banu Saad Tribe
- In which year Hazrat Umar embraced Islam? 616AD
- What is recitation of first Kalma called? Tehlil
- Who was the first writer of wahi in Quraish? Hazrat Zaid Bin Sabit
- Who was the last writer of wahi(Katib-e-wahi)? Hazrat Abi bin kaab
- Who was the last general of Ghazwa Moaata? Hazrat Khalid bin waleed
- Who got the title of ‘Ameen-ul-Ummat’? Hazrat Abu Ubaida Bin Jarrah